Friday, October 11, 2019

Love This! Friday 101119

I have missed this!  Yay to being back.

Thank the good Lord that this week is winding the heck down.  It has been a doozie of a five days and I'm ready for w.e.e.k.e.n.d

Let's start this day off right and lets share some love today.  Love will push us through to the going home hour (c'mon 3:30 I'm looking for you!).  Speaking of LOVE I really love Brene Brown and I really loved this post from her blog this week.

There are a couple things that are new to me and my life this week.  The first one is that I have successfully completed my first seven days of intermittent fasting.  I felt like I had my own support system with the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur falling this week which calls for a fasting from sundown to sundown.  Some of my Jewish friends were cheering me on (note:  I do not fast 24 hours!)  There have been some major fast benefits from IF - mental clarity being the biggest.  When you aren't shoveling sh*t in your mouth at random times your mind is way more clear.  I also sleep much better!  I won't bore you on my details but I generally eat at 5:30am and then again at 5:30pm.  Between those hours I'm not extremely active (thanks work) and I keep myself hydrated with water and enjoy my black coffee.  I was a black coffee drinker before I started this so there was no adjustment period to that.

If you're interested let me know and I'll post on it later.  Otherwise we're moving on....beep beep!

Do you love pod casts?  I do, I do!  My work bestie shared Criminal with me.  Oh
Unfortunately, this version was sold out.
man.  I love crime pod casts like none other.  I loved Sh*t Town and I loved This American Life but I could do without all the gruesome parts those offered at times.  This week I started listening to Criminal and I'm full invested now.  These are some SUPER interesting stories (real not fake) and they do not take a week to listen to.  Most shows average thirty minutes!

Last Saturday I went shopping for like an hour.  My favorite purchase...wait my third favorite purchase was this top from Old Navy.  My one and two spot faves were the new bras I got.  OK so that sounds wackadoo BUT you have to know this.  I went to the Hanes Store and walked straight to the clerk and said, "You need to measure me."  She laughed and said, "Follow me."  After a ninety second measuring tape experience I finally have two bras that fit like a freaking glove.  Do yourself a favor and get the ta ta's in the CORRECT size bra and also if you're 40 or over or have a high breast cancer risk in your family - go get them checked then get a great bra!

Now...this post moved your day ahead by about three minutes (if you actually read and clicked links) so you're super welcome for that.  Let's see if I can get at least two more minutes put away from the work

On tap for the weekend?  TELL ME!  What are you getting into?  Here are my amazing (going to totally let you down, you have been warned, plans!)

*Hot date with my daughter tonight.  She said Zoe's Kitchen and I said, I love you!  Then off to Trader Joe's.
*Tomorrow soccer in the morning and my cousin's wedding in the afternoon!
*Then its all Cabernet and chilled out fly by the seat of your pants!

OK let's knock out the remaining seven hours and fifty-five minutes of this work day!



  1. Happy Friday!! I need to get some new bras soon too! It really does help to get fitted properly.
