Sunday, January 12, 2020

Amanda Buys A Vacuum Cleaner

When you think about catchy titles and you need help, obviously call me.

I bought a vacuum cleaner this morning.  Stop the presses this is big shiz.  When we took down the Christmas decorations something on my regular vac broke.  Turns out it was this two inch, plastic rectangle that manages pressure or something.  It also turns out you cannot buy a replacement two inch plastic rectangle to save yourself a couple hundred dollars.  And furthermore it turns out a two inch Lego that looks JUST LIKE the part that went missing will not fit.

Motherhood ingenuity at it's best...

So today as I woke up to clean the litter box and also make a big ass mess in the whole process (those cats should be OUTSIDE) I decided that it was time to order a new vacuum.  Even though I love my Swiffer with all my heart and soul I really needed a vacuum cleaner.

Shout out to the Amish community and their mad broom skills.  I can work a broom but apparently not as good as some cultures and generations.  Plus, using a broom is time consuming!  And on a Sunday morning I want to be sipping coffee not working the straws on a device that was probably one of the first tools man made back in 4AD.

Image result for shark vacuum

In case you really care about the vacuum - I ordered yet another Shark because I'm a loyalist even if they piss me off with a two inch, looks-like-a-Lego-would-work, piece of plastic I cannot rig up to make my old vac work.

I really wanted a stick vac but tell me how it makes sense that a stick vac is $400 for a smaller machine that still has a cord on it and a smaller waste cup?  

Are people getting that much more stupid as time goes on?


Do you January clean out?  You know what I mean right?  In January you put away all the holiday crap and then start going through your closet and tossing stuff.  I know I am not the only one who does that.

Yesterday, I took apart all my clothing areas (closet, drawers, storage boxes).  If you are in the neighborhood and wear a 7.5-9 shoe or a size medium/8 dress or need a good bag stop by.  

I refuse to take this to Goodwill.  Anyone else over Goodwill?  Goodwill to a CEO.  May I suggest this year you donate to Salvation Army or small groups that actually HELP people in need?  

This morning I noticed that many people are doing sale pages on Facebook.  Meh.  What I think is they start cleaning out their shiz and then post it and whoever says they will buy it comes to that person's house to get it.  I like that idea.  

But I don't like Facebook.

Disclaimer:  This blog has a Facebook page.  I like it.


Image result for boomer memes

Facebook is kind of ridiculous.  Since your grandma and great aunt are on there the whole Facebook feel is horrid.  I have friends on Facebook who are baby boomers.  Oh these poor people.  I just pray for their safety.

When I log onto Facebook to scroll through the feed (and become either super angry or super worried about the comprehension skills of our aging population) I am just left going holy hell and we worry about the kids?

My favorites are the Bible thumpers who will jump on anything anti Christian and post it with "WE NEED TO PRAY!"  Nevermind what they have shared is bogus or a decade old.  

I also enjoy the people who fall hook, line, and sinker for ANY political headline that talks bad about a person in the party they typically are not a member of.  Wink and nod Russia you are so smart.  

Yes, the USA is GREAT but I'm afraid our deductive reasoning skills leave a lot to be desired.  

Once again - have your grandkids help you decipher what is true and what is false and what is heavily skewed.

My favorite headline that was shared on a page - Trump Knew Markle Was Evil.

Eye roll.

Last week and that's not a video - nice conversion. (not a boomer)
Amanda's losing her twenty pounds.  I haven't weighed this week.  But when I do I will be so annoying and share it.

I gave myself two weeks to get my stamina back up in the gym.  This past Thursday I decided to take on a class I used to love.  Metabolic Effect.  Its a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercise and every class is something different.

I grabbed my bar bells and mat and died.

But I did my best to power through.  As of Saturday morning my quads, abs, and parts of my glutes had went on strike.  This girl probably could have gotten away with parking in a handicap spot at the grocery store but I promise I didn't do that.

Today is three days post ME class and I'm feeling better. 

Tomorrow I do P90x.

T's and P's.


Friends, its sunny and sixty something degrees out.  I have spring fever like none other.  So I'm going to wrap this one up here and ask you to drink your water and move your body.  Turn off your Facebook and go outside.  Save the vacuuming for later.  Clean out if you wish.

If you are in New England - stay inside.  I heard its nasty up there today.  Please stay inside and watch tv.  Please.


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