Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Currently: September Has Started!

Day two of the ninth month of the year from a galaxy far far away...I am linking up with Anne In Residence today to share with you things that we (I) are appreciating, anticipating, collecting, starting, and finishing!  I feel like I need to mix up the order and start with...

A new month which is really a new year but ONLY this for this month.  I feel more of that new year vibe in September than I feel in January.  January is just blah for me - the holidays are over and its winter and I'm just not in my most lifted spirits then.  But the fresh start of September?  It cannot be beat.  School has returned (it really has here!) and everyone is returning to a routine (though it may be a bit awkward) and that brings balance back.  Balance brings the ability to crush goals, right?

I appreciate teachers who can keep kittens corralled.  I meant to type kittens.  I think of all young animals kittens are probably the least in ease of keeping under control.  They can climb and jump and have very little regard to anything or anyone around them.  Every morning I drop my son off at school and I think about a teacher that is with him and eighteen other kids seven hours a day without much of a break who also has to keep the kids six feet apart.  I appreciate their diligence in following all the mandates.

"What I know for sure is that when you declutter—whether it's in your home, your head, or your heart—it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family." — Peter Walsh

Can I say I'm refusing to collect anything?  I'm in a very less is more state of mind so any collections I may have had I do not have now.  However, my laundry room needs to be trashed - the whole thing!  It is a collection of single socks without a match, paper products, and random other junk that needs to be trashed.

NEW! #MarriageBed #SexTip Memorable First Thrust Intercourse Technique

The continuation of not watching anything on local television - if it isn't streaming it isn't for me.  The continuation of not listening to local radio - SiriusXM Fly all the way.  Nelly makes my life better.  The continuation of making my way to the mailbox with the recycle in also in hand in hopes that they really do recycle paper and that there really is a recycling center.  The continuation and build up of more people around me chattering more about things such as viruses and political activities - ugh no pass.

Jigsaw Puzzle-Woman working at typewriter-500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle made to order

Well read my post from Sunday for more on that! 

Later tater!


  1. I like the Peter Walsh quote. Nearly 6 months into the pandemic, I think I may have another go around the house at decluttering.

    1. Its amazing how many times we can declutter in a year, right?

  2. I am very much with you on NOT collecting, and that quote regarding Declutter is so poignant. There's so much more room with LESS. And I found it to be true with unhealthy relationships just as much as with clothes I don't wear. Decluttering isn't an event--it's a mindset!

  3. I love the feel of September as a new start too - and weird as it is this year, and though it comes with some new kinds of anxiety, it feels SO good to have that school start and have a little sense of things happening at the right time in the midst of all this unscheduled craziness. Hope you have a great month, and thanks for linking up!
